City Garden clinic is a non-governmental medical institution with a philanthropic mindset. We believe in a vision to help the people who can not help there-selves. Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. Your donations means a lot to us! The clinic works on a cost recovery basis for both in and out patients. We offer payments to patients that are poor and unable to afford the medical services. This is possible due to donations from individuals and organisations in and outside of Sierra Leone.
City Garden Clinic is a medical institution dedicated to providing quality patient care with unrelenting attention to clinical excellence, patient safety and unparalleled passion and commitment to assure the very best health care for those we serve.
Donations Are Welcome
City Garden clinic is a non-governmental medical institution with a philanthropic mindset. We believe in a vision to help the people who can not help there-selves. Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. Your donations means a lot to us! The clinic works on a cost recovery basis for both in and out patients. We offer payments to patients that are poor and unable to afford the medical services. This is possible due to donations from individuals and organisations in and outside of Sierra Leone.
An introduction of City Garden Clinic by Dr. ABD
The Future City Garden Clinic by Dr. ABD
Our Mission & Goals
Our Mission
City Garden Clinic is a medical institution dedicated to providing quality patient care with unrelenting attention to clinical excellence, patient safety and unparalleled passion and commitment to assure the very best health care for those we serve.
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