Grande cleaning City Garden Clinic

Already for some time, the hygiene of City Garden Clinic has our attention: we want to improve it. The cleaners get supply regularly, a better roster for the cleaners have been made,

Much effort has been put into fighting leakages, so the water will not run out. More health education has started, also hygiene health education by the cleaners. Not all our clients (patients and caretakers) know how to use flush toilets.

So at the recent general staff meeting dr ABD suggested a large general cleaning on September 15th. All staff was to join and the whole first floor would get a proper scrub (this level has oil paint, so can be cleaned proper, unfortunately unlike the second floor).

Dr Erdi together with the clinicians and nurses on duty transferred as much as possible patients to the second floor the day before the cleaning.

So before 8 am out IPC coordinator nurse Nabie had prepared the work by removing all mattresses and cupboards to the veranda.

At 8 am a large group of people started the cleaning, and other soon joined. Most of the staff was present and also some patients or their caretakers assisted.

A good scrub of the walls really made a huge difference. Also the beds and the floor was scrubbed.

After the work all enjoyed a good meal prepared by Mrs Kumba Sesay and her team.

Matron Martha also arranged with the proprietor that new window curtains were available.

In the afternoon the patients returned to their rooms: “it look as it is repainted!”


If you also want to assist in better hygiene for City garden Clinic, please consider sponsoring the project of “Smarter Hospital” to renovate (second floor also to get oil paint, improvement in waste management):