Our Mission & Goals

Our Motto

“God Heals, We Care”


Our Mission

City Garden Clinic is a non-governmental medical institution with a philanthropic mindset, dedicated to providing quality patient care with unrelenting attention to clinical excellence, patient safety and unparalleled passion and commitment to assure the very best health care for those we serve.


Our Vision

  • To be among the best Clinics/Hospitals of choice for patients in Sierra Leone and beyond because of our preeminent patient care.
  • To recruit and maintain high quality medical personnel and support staff.
  • To be a prominent community member known for meeting the health care needs of the entire community through incomparable patient care and wellness programs.


Aims and Objectives

  • Maintain and manage a general medical clinic to adequately treat and manage general medical conditions in an environment where medical facilities are poor and inadequate.
  • In the longer term provide specialized medical care in fields where there is the greatest demand


Our Core Values

  • Dignity & Reverence – We respect the dignity of the human person, believing that every life is a gift from God, so each individual is valued equally.
  • Trust – We believe in honesty and transparency in all our undertakings and open communication with children, staff, donors and partners.
  • Teamwork – We recognize the contribution of all but lay premium on the individual sacrifice for the benefit of the client.
  • Integrity – We stand for Honesty, fairness and self-scrutiny in everything we do, as the ideal means to protect overall safety, as well as assure confidentiality and privacy.


Our Programs


  • The clinic has in and out patient medical services.
  • Emergency care is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • There is a pharmacy in the clinic that provides medication to both in as out patients of City Garden Clinic
  • The clinic has an in-patient capacity of 64 beds. These are divided in wards with 3 or 6 beds and some private/single rooms.
  • There is an operating theatre with two theatre rooms.
  • The clinic has its own laboratory, were all basic test can be done.

The clinic is registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Sierra Leone.

The clinic works on cost recovery basis for both in and out patients.
We offer charity to patients that are poor and unable to afford the medical services. This is possible due to donations from individuals in and outside of Sierra Leone and organisations.
Our policy is not to ‘throw away’ anyone because of economic reasons.



Under the education scheme, we have supported the training of a good number of Community Health Officers (CHO), nurses (SECHN); some of whom are currently employed in our clinic.

We currently support the education of some medical doctors, community health officers (CHO), Community Health Assistants (CHA) nurses (SECHN), Primary school and secondary school pupils, University students and teacher training college students at different levels, We expect that some of these will be potential staff to be recruited in any of our programs when they have completed their courses.